Kneighborhood Knives is a Portland-based traditional knife sharpening studio offering sharpening & repair of kitchen knives.
It’s a beautiful day in the kneighborhood.
I chose the name Kneighborhood Knives to reflect the community-focused nature and human connection involved in hand-sharpening. I believe that offering a traditional service that is done by hand - and often in-person - is a powerful tool in keeping our kneighborhoods thriving.
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I sharpen entirely by hand using a progression of natural & synthetic Japanese whetstones and diamond plates. My whetstone process allows a nuanced and purposeful approach to sharpening that removes the minimum amount of material from the blade. Hand-sharpening promotes the knife’s longevity and results in a sharpening job that is tailored to each specific knife.
In addition to offering by-appointment knife sharpening services out of my home in Southeast Portland, I host mobile sharpening pop-up events around the Portland area as well as along the West Coast.
Come see me and let’s bring your knives back to life!